Sunday, July 19, 2009

The man who fell for me.

I just had a dream that the man of my dreams just came falling from the sky, literally.

He was not a tall man, neither a short one. He was five-ten, five-eleven. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was extremely nice, like scary nice.

I was outside of my house, I believe there was a backyard. And I step outside because I see something falling out of the sky. It is a plane. Not a normal boeing, or a small private plane. But a more Disney like plane mixed with an old model airplane and a newer model jet, boxy-like a barrel.

There was smoke, but no fire. Then, he landed in my backyard.

“Don’t move,” I stammered. And with a smile on his face he said, “Oh no, owe, no it’s okay I was practicing for this new job I got.” He was practicing going up, but gravity had taken his toll and brought him back down.

I ran inside the house, and out with water for him.

“Want to go for a ride?”

“I don’t really think I want to land like that.” And we both laughed. “Hold on one second though.”

I couldn’t just jump into a plane right then in there, what was I doing. I was freaking out, I was being me. The fire in me was still alive and I was going to take advantage of it. As soon as I went to an old friends house and the closest one to me, Ashley. I ran there to confide in here. I mean, after all, a man did just fall out of the sky into my backyard. And a handsome one at that.

While I was on my rondevue to Ashley’s house he decided to get the plane back up and running he started being nosey and looking about the neighborhood. Well he spotted Ashley through her glass wall. She was on the computer. It had been roughly ten-fifteen minutes already. So he had called me, and asked where I was and when I was coming back. He also noted that he is looking at a girl that looks like me. My cover was blown, he spotted Ashley, and to stop the situation from becoming dishonest I showed my face and smiled. I told him I’d be right there.

How could I not, he was too nice. So I took my opportunity.

It was then, at that very moment, that I realized I was my mother.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Everything evolved into nothing.

Some people do nothing with their life. I define nothing as a lack of motivation for life. To sit home, relax, clean a little, stuff your faces. You "work," but you do not technically work. You do not file a 1040 at the beginning of the year, and you most certainly do not get paid on any specific day of the week. You wait for life to find you, for knowledge to seep into your brain like a beneficial virus.

What the life doctor forgot to tell you as he was delivering you from within your mothers womb, was that life did not find you. You found life. You swam fast, dove hard, and hit the center; laying there lavishly for nine months until you felt the need to reach out.

For some, that is as far as they will ever get. Whether it be their choice or anothers. For those who continue on, will be given the opportunity to reach the stars. Whether you are born into riches or rags, it is your decision to make something of yourself and/or your decision to let the world decide something for you.

My whole life I have always had an urge to learn more. Growing up my mother always researched little things. My grandmother knew everything, so wouldn't the "everything" gene just have been carried down through the years?

That is what I thought, until today. I thought I knew everything, or a lot at least. No one has ever told me elsewise.

I once learnt that you are who people see you as. Some refer to it as the looking-glass self, while others have made a philosophy of it. I see it as the truth, and I have come to follow through with this in the way that I carry out my life. People usually come to me for advice, or ask if I know the answer to this. I usually do, and if I don't I will research it until I can find an answer. I like to know everything, and I [thought] knowledge didn't hurt.

From the attention I have receieved from people through the various years of my life, I have come to the conclusion that maybe I actually am smart. But apparently thinking you know everything makes you a little "rough around the edges." So maybe I'm not so smart at all. And maybe I should keep my opinions to myself. Or maybe you should shut your ears.

Either or, becarful of what you say. You might just end up like me, the one who knew nothing. It is better to know nothing than anything at all.