Sunday, February 7, 2010


Sometimes I sit and wonder, as most people wonder, just sitting or walking aimlessly while their minds flutter elsewhere. But, I wonder what life is all about. What one must endure, and what one should endure, where does it stop, when is it too much. Or is that what life is about, endurance. I understand that some philosophers or what not would say, well "what IS endurance?" And "what does TOO much feel like?" And others would desensitize my whole philosophic structure and say that "endurance depends upon the nature of the individual enduring it." These "others" just trying to make themselves sound smarter, but really they are just repeating the nature of my story and adding the average reasonable everyday tolerance level to it.

When people grow up, and I say this as if I am not grown up, but really maybe I should be categorizing myself within this grown up theory.

Okay, so...when people grow up and get married and yada yada, is it really always peaches and candy? How much is too much? How much of someone else's shit are we supposed to put up with before we say eff you? And why do others work on it, is it just a psychological deference of not wanting to give up and lose? Were we all really meant to be alone and walk the barren Earth once as our forefathers did? Who knows, and why bother fighting the cycle.

I will never know the answers, or maybe I will one day when I'm grown up.